Quality and business processes policy

Our company, TANTA d.o.o., stands for quality, delivers value, and builds trust. Our focus on clients' needs and their satisfaction with our service are the values we uphold.

We have translated our years of experience and broad understanding of transportation and maritime industry into a comprehensive package of services:

  • transportation of cargo
  • freight forwarding services.

Our goal is to remain one of the leading companies in this field, recognized in Slovenia and worldwide alike for the quality, reliability, and professionalism of our service. In light of the rapidly changing demands of our clients, we offer solutions tailored specifically to them, whilst maintaining our services at the highest possible level. We cannot achieve this alone. We consider our suppliers as our partners and ensure that we are in good company – our suppliers are only trusted and quality names.

We achieve all of this by:

  • continuously assessing current and long-term client requirements, legislative requirements, and other quality requirements;
  • establishing and implementing business processes in a way that satisfies client demands and legislative requirements, and other quality requirements in all business segments;
  • supervising and directing business processes based on modern performance indicators;
  • identifying and mitigating quality risks;
  • raising employee awareness of their contribution to the effectiveness of quality and business process management.

We also regularly set ambitious, measurable, and achievable quality objectives. We carefully plan their attainment, aligning our process objectives with our overall business objectives. This ensures that everything we do is focused on our clients.

Our operations are aligned with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015. Our integrated management system, which we use to manage both quality and business processes, is built on the principle of continuous improvement. That is why we continually follow and embrace the best global quality and business process management practices. We continuously seek new ways of improving and making our work more efficient.